Program Overview 2010 Illinois -
Indiana Section Conference, |
Friday, April 9 - Armstrong Hall of
Engineering (ARMS) |
7:00-8:30 |
ARMS 1098 Informal Reception |
April 10 Armstrong Hall of Engineering |
8:00 - 8:45 |
Registration and Continental Breakfast |
8:45-10:00 |
A1: ARMS 1103 Presentation Session: Innovations in engineering
education |
A2: ARMS 1109 Presentation Session: Innovative approaches to K-12
Education |
Break |
10:10-11:00 |
B1: ARMS 1021 Interactive Session, Opportunities for
Collaborative Efforts in Engineering and Technology for Haitian Relief |
B2: ARMS 1103 Presentation Session, Research and
Assessment in Engineering Education |
B3: ARMS 1109 Panel Session and Discussion: K-12 Programs and Approaches |
11:00-12:00 |
Student Posters Session ARMS B098 (basement) Graduate and Undergraduate
posters will be presented |
12:00 - 1:15 |
Lunch ARMS Atrium, 1st Floor Section Business Meeting Speakers, David Radcliff, Interim Head of Engineering
Education |
1:15 - 2:15 |
ARMS 1021 Workshop - Modeling Eliciting Activities presented by Prof. Heidi Diefes-Dux |
C1: ARMS 1109 Panel Discussion on Capstone Experiences in Engineering
and Technology Programs |
2:30 - 3:30 |
D1: ARMS 1109 Presentation Session: Global Experiences in Engineering
Education |
3:45-4:45 |
E1: ARMS 1109 Presentation and Discussion Session:
Service-Learning in Engineering and Technology Education |
ARMS 1103 Panel and Discussion Session: Overcoming Obstacles to Innovative
Instructional Technology Use |
Plenary ARMS Atrium Carmine
Polito 2009
ASEE IL/IN Section Teaching Award Winner Informal
Networking Dinner ARMS Atrium |