April 6th, 2013 Hosted by: Trine University, Angola Indiana |
2013 Illinois/Indiana - ASEE Section Conference |
Manuscript Format and Submission Guidelines
On or before December 7, 2013, authors will be notified whether their abstract has been selected for further consideration for the meeting. Upon acceptance of an abstract, a formatted final abstract and formatted complete manuscript must be submitted for review by attaching the Microsoft Word documents to an email to the conference paper coordinator, webberd@trine.edu no later than January 11, 2013.
The reviewed manuscripts will be returned to the authors by February 1, 2013.
All final revised documentation must be submitted on or before February 22, 2013 to webberd@trine.edu .
Final Abstract Format and Submission Guidelines
Abstract Information
1. Title: The title must be centered with at least a one and one-half inch margin on the left and right. 2. Font: Times New Roman typeface is required, bold faced, 14 point. 3. Author(s) and Affiliation(s): Author(s) and affiliation(s) for each author should be included beginning two spaces below the paper title. This information should be single spaced and centered. Times New Roman typeface is required, not bold faced, 12 point.
Body of the Abstract:
1. Format: The abstract will be in a one-column format with left justification. There must be a 1 inch margin on the left, right, and bottom. Leave 2 blank lines between the last author/affiliation and the start of the abstract. 2. Font: Times New Roman typeface, 12 point, is required. Skip one line between paragraphs. 3. Length: Abstracts should generally be between 250 and 500 words.
MANUSCRIPT Information
Title Information (top part of first page only)
1. Title of Manuscript: The title must be centered with at least a one and one-half inch margin on the left and right. Times New Roman typeface is required, bold faced, 14 point. 2. Author and Affiliation: Author and affiliation for each author should be included beginning two spaces below the manuscript title. This information should be single spaced and centered with an extra space between each author. Times New Roman typeface is required, not bold faced, 12 point.
Body of the Manuscript (beginning under the above title information on the first page and continuing with all subsequent pages)
1. First Page: The manuscript will be in a one-column format with left justification. There must be a 1 inch margin on the left, right, and bottom. Font: Times New Roman typeface is required, 12 point, skipping one line between paragraphs. 2. Second and All Subsequent Pages: There must be a 1 inch margin all around (top, bottom, right, left) in one column format, left justification, skipping one line between paragraphs. Font: Times New Roman typeface is required, 12 point. 3. Footers: The bottom is not to be used for footers by the authors. This area is to be left available for the conference committee to add a conference footer. 4. Headings: Headings are not required but can be included. If used, headings must be left justified, lowercase, with the same font and size as the body of the manuscript. There must be only one blank line between the heading and the paragraph. 5. Length: There is no set limit for the number of pages a manuscript can or must be. However, a typical length of 4-6 pages is anticipated to be appropriate for most papers. 6. Page Numbering: Do not number the pages.
Bibliographic Information (following body of manuscript)
1. Format: The bibliography must begin 4 spaces below the body of the manuscript using the same margins as the body. 2. Font: Times New Roman typeface is required, 10 point. Referencing: Each reference must be listed and numbered. When referring to them in the text, type the corresponding reference number in superscript form. Brief Biographical and Contact Information
Authors are asked to provide brief biographical information at the end of the paper in 10 point font. This information should be limited to no more than 2-5 lines, with the requested font and margins, and should include a brief summary of the authors(s) current position or activities, along with a current email address.
Final Paper Submission and Format Guidelines If the paper is accepted pending revisions, a revision and second review of the paper before final submittal will be arranged with the author(s) by the Paper Review Coordinator, with the ultimate goal being to upgrade the paper to accepted with changes suggested status prior to the deadline for final paper submission. For each paper designated as accepted with changes suggested, authors will be asked to seriously consider suggested changes, but the paper will not be subject to further review and no response to the reviewers comments will be necessary from the author(s). The paper should be subsequently submitted as a final paper to be included in the meeting program. Final papers must be submitted by attaching the Microsoft Word documents to an email to the conference coordinator, webberd@trine.edu as noted above no later than February 22, 2013. |